20 Scientific Ways to Learn Faster

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Joined: Wed Aug 09, 2017 10:14 am

Tue Nov 07, 2017 4:28 pm

1. Learn the same information in a variety of ways.
Read the class notes
Read the textbook
Look up other online resources
Create a mind map
Teach someone what you’ve learned
Do practice problems from a variety of sources

2. Study multiple subjects each day, rather than focusing on just one or two subjects.

3. Review the information periodically, instead of cramming.

4. Sit at the front of the class.

5. Don’t multitask.
Here are some suggestions to improve your concentration:
Turn off notifications on your phone
Put your phone away, or turn it to airplane mode
Log out of all instant messaging programs
Turn off the Internet access on your computer
Use an app like Freedom
Close all of your Internet browser windows that aren’t related to the assignment you’re working on
Clear the clutter from your study area

6. Simplify, summarize, and compress the information.

7. Take notes by hand, instead of using your laptop.

8. Write down your worries.

9. Test yourself frequently.

10. Connect what you’re learning with something you already know.

11. Read key information out loud.

12. Take regular study breaks.

13. Reward yourself at the end of each study session.
The reward could be something as simple as:
Going for a short walk
Eating a healthy snack
Listening to your favorite music
Doing a couple of sets of exercise
Playing a musical instrument
Taking a shower
Reward yourself at the end of every session – you’ll study smarter and learn faster.

14. Focus on the process, not the outcome.
Successful students concentrate on learning the information, not on trying to get a certain grade.

15. Drink at least eight glasses of water a day.

16. Exercise at least three times a week.

17. Sleep at least eight hours a night, and don’t pull all-nighters.

18. Eat blueberries.

19. Eat chicken and eggs.
And if you’re a vegetarian, there are alternatives to getting choline in your diet:
Sunflower seeds
Pumpkin seeds

20. Eat omega-3 fatty acids.

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